CCTV media polished the window of information disclosure and held the bond of investor relations

CCTV media polished the window of information disclosure and held the bond of investor relations

Published on:2021-09-27 08:40:48 Hits: 93

A series of publicity articles on the special action for investor protection of "being honest and trustworthy as a respected listed company"


Polish the "window" of information disclosure and hold the "link" of investor relations


In 2019, the CSRC issued the action plan for promoting the improvement of the quality of listed companies, proposing to improve the quality of Listed Companies in seven aspects, the first of which is to "improve the effectiveness of information disclosure guided by the needs of investors". In recent years, CTV Media Co., Ltd. has continuously improved the quality of information disclosure, established an effective investor communication mechanism, and made every effort to protect the right to know and other legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors.

Information disclosure is a "window" for listed companies to show their companies to investors. Through regular reports and temporary announcements, listed companies disclose the company's financial status, operating results, major events and other information, which affects investors' judgment on the company's development prospects and the company's market value in the capital field. It can be said that "information disclosure is no trivial matter".

After the accumulation of long-term experience in information disclosure, we have summed up three experiences in doing a good job in information disclosure. First, continue to learn laws, regulations and regulatory policies, enrich their own knowledge reserves and strengthen policy supervision ability. "Learning is not to explore its flowers, we should extricate ourselves from its roots", and we can accurately practice the rules in practice. Second, implement the internal reporting procedures of major information to ensure that the major information of the enterprise is transmitted to the centralized Department of information disclosure of the company at the first time. Ensure that the centralized Department of information disclosure can quickly collect and effectively manage all major information of the company, and then disclose it to investors in a timely, accurate, comprehensive and complete manner. Third, actively participate in the exchange activities between listed companies. "Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade". Through mutual experience exchange and experience sharing, learn from each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses, and continuously improve the level of information disclosure.

If information disclosure is a one-way information transmission, investor relations management has built a two-way communication "link" between the company and investors. In the process of practical operation, we interact with investors from three aspects.

First, listen to investors' inquiries by telephone and e-mail. We assign special personnel to answer and receive calls and letters from investors, and reflect the demands of investors to the management of the company truthfully and as soon as possible. When encountering emotional investors, after listening, we will carefully explain the basic operation of the company, help investors understand the company's operation and development strategy, guide investors with positive information and appease investors' emotions. Build a trust and win-win relationship with investors through full and effective communication and interaction with investors.

Secondly, pay attention to the interaction with investors on the Internet. We set up the investor relations section on the company's official website to update the company's stock trend and company announcement in real time, and set up an email for consultation and suggestions. Continuously release the company's news and business situation through the company's official website to help investors continuously and deeply understand the company's situation. In addition, we pay attention to "SSE E interaction" and other online public opinion, and timely respond to investors' questions on "SSE E interaction". Issues, suggestions and public opinions generally concerned by investors shall be timely transmitted to the management of the company and brought to the attention of the management. For false information such as rumors that have not caused significant impact, we will understand the facts through the internal smooth communication mechanism, quickly cooperate with the legal affairs and office of the company, reply and clarify in time, eliminate the doubts of investors and protect the interests of investors.

Finally, for individual investors who need to communicate directly with the company's management, we will also provide opportunities for investors to communicate directly with the management through online investor exchanges and other activities organized by Shanghai Stock Exchange.

CCTV media has been established for 23 years since its establishment in 1997. Since its establishment, we have strictly followed the company law, securities law and other relevant regulations, attached great importance to information disclosure, obtained "good" and "excellent" evaluations in the information disclosure evaluation of Shanghai Stock Exchange over the years, and have never been held accountable by the regulatory authorities, It has established a good image in the capital market. At the same time, we attach great importance to the return to shareholders, especially small and medium-sized investors. In the 23 years since listing, we have insisted on paying dividends, and we have paid cash dividends 19 times for 15 consecutive years. In the future, we will continue to polish the "window" of information disclosure, hold the "link" of investor relations management, and continuously improve the quality of the company with an attitude of integrity and self-discipline.

China Television Media Co., Ltd

Secretariat of the board of directors

May 12, 2020

Address: No. 892, Xisi Road, Dongying District, Dongying City, Shandong Province, China

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